Saturday, November 17, 2007


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Today I thought I'd share a little on the topic of frustration. As much as I wish I wasn't "an expert" on this topic (wouldn't it be nice to never be frustrated??), I guess I might as well make use of this somewhat unpleasant life tool.

So what is the purpose of frustration? Many times in my life I've asked myself (and God) this question and always get the same image flashing through my oyster. An oyster you ask? Odd, yes, but fitting when you think of it as a metaphoric symbol. Oysters must know something about least if all those stories I've heard about how pearls are formed are true. Imagine how annoying it must feel to have a harsh little bit of sand poking you...think about what it would be like if it was under your tongue. Awful huh? Yet, that is what leads to those beautiful, very coveted pearls.

Now I do like pearls, especially when they are used for a metaphor representing all the good things I look for in my life, but isn't there another way for them to form?

I'd like to say "yes" (believe me I REALLY would!) but based on my life experience and all the experience of those I've worked with over the years, I'm thinking that the answer is no. Apparently, we all need that irritating piece of sand to get us moving towards creating the pearls in our life.

So what is the sand in your life at this time? I guess mine is restraints...the parts of my personality, my life circumstances, the reality of divine timing...all those things that keep me from feeling free to move forward as quickly and easily as I'd like to. Where is the pearl in that for me? I guess it stops me from running off quickly in one direction only to find out after much time and energy is expended that I'd really rather be running a different direction. I admit it...I'm a big idea person and when I get one of those "great" ideas I want to put it into action immediately!

Note to self, when you are feeling frustrated, remember the 72 hour rule...wait 72 hours before acting on new ideas.

I don't really like that rule...and I was very anxious to break it this very morning...but, the Universe didn't give me an option. Back to the 72 hour rule....sigh...Monday will be soon enough to see if this idea is really as viable as it seems to be right now.

Coaching Tip from me to you: Take a look at the "sand" in your own life and ask yourself why it is there? What pearl is it trying to bring forth in your life? We can't get rid of frustration or of the sand, but maybe we can learn to live with it a little better. At least I know I'm going to give it a try!

Enjoy the day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And a quick note to add to Nancy's post about the 72-hours:
A friend introduced me to the 10-10-10 rule (which was also written about in an O! magazine article in 2006) and I've been using it ever since. When considering a choice that seems to have great impact (and is causing you great angst) in the moment, ask yourself these questions:
What will the impact of my decision be in 10 minutes?
10 months?
10 years?
Often, after considering these questions, the answer will be evident and you'll make the best choice for your life, whether it be now or in the future.

Wishing you wellness and happiness!

Cathy Posner, Crossroads Coaching