Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Me First! 4 Weeks to a Self-Care Lifestyle

I hope everyone is moving toward the holidays in a low-stress manner! Remember to keep taking care of you!

Today's topic is about a new coaching program I'm offering that begins in January. I am firmly committed to the idea that we MUST make self-care our top priority. This course is designed to help you do that in a simple, time-efficient way.

About ME FIRST!...
Remember when you were a kid and got in trouble for saying “me first?” Back then you weren’t able to understand that other people have needs too. By now, I’m sure that isn’t a problem anymore. In fact, I’d bet the problem isn’t that you overlook other people’s needs, but instead that you overlook your own.

I’m here to suggest that it is time to bring back that little kid again. It’s time to start listening to our own needs and acting to meet them. It’s time to start putting ourselves first.

Why? Because the bottom line is you can’t give to others what you don’t have. If you have no time, no energy, no dreams, no joy, then you can’t share them with anyone else. The world needs you to be who you are and to share the gifts that are yours alone to share. To do that, you have to put your own self-care first.

Below is an outline of a new coaching program I'm offering. The first group course will start on 1/13/2008. I hope you can join me!

Join me for a life coaching program designed specifically to create a daily routine which meets your self-care needs in a simple, time-saving manner. This program is filled with the many life coaching tools and techniques I've effectively used with clients and that I use in my own self-care routine.

Each week, the group will meet via conference call to set goals for the upcoming week and discuss the tools offered in the Me First! Workbook. Then you will work on your individual goal, incorporating one simple self-care tool into your daily routine, while receiving email support throughout the week.

This program includes 4 hours of direct coaching ($320), plus email coaching support throughout the 4 weeks ($80), and a 28 page workbook ($47). This program including $447 of service is being offered to you at a very special one time only price of $87!

That's a savings of $360!

As a special incentive to put self-care on your holiday wish list, if you purchase this program before 12/25/2007, you will receive a coupon to bring a friend for only $50!

Want the details?

Click HERE to download a one page course outline. The password to download the outline is "settle." I'm also happy to answer any questions you may have. Just send me an email at nancy@crossroadscoachingonline.com or call
(330) 416-6184.

Ready to sign up? Please click HERE to visit my website and click on the BUY NOW button to register.

I'm looking forward to working with you!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Illness and Guilt


I hope everyone is enjoying December...it is pretty with the snow and the Christmas lights!

Today's post is about illness and guilt, prompted by my 11th day with the latest respiratory virus going around. Last night was the first time I was actually able to sleep the whole night through since this started. It makes me appreciate the joys of sleeping without sitting up!

One of the things I've noticed is that when I get sick, I instantly start to wonder what I did to manifest this. I'm a big fan of Louise Hay and I think her positive affirmations are right on. In her book, Heal Your Body, she gives the "mental causes for physical illnesses with the metaphysical ways to overcome them." I have to say that the causes she lists connected to the illnesses I've had seem to be pretty accurate. Click HERE to purchase this book from my Amazon store.

Which brings in the "guilt" part. Which makes me ask myself, "Isn't it bad enough to be sick? Is it fair to then get upset with myself for causing it?"

After asking for some Divine clarity on this point, here's what I came up with...

  • Be gentle with yourself. You are a human being and you are always doing the best you can under the circumstances...that's good enough.
  • Learn from the situation. What mental cause contributed to the weakening of your immune system? Can you heal the wound that led to that pattern?
  • Take the time to rest and to heal on all levels. Your physical self needs to heal, but so does your emotional/mental self which clearly was also suffering. Your physical needs are giving you a chance to slow down enough to address these other needs.
  • Forgive yourself. Anger at the self is never necessary. Forgiveness of yourself and others always brings healing.
  • Ask for support. Part of the lesson in each challenge we face is to remember that we aren't alone. We all have a spiritual support team waiting to help us. Ask your angels to bring healing and support while you work through this challenge. Experience the relief of knowing you don't have to do it all on your own!

So here is a little coaching challenge for you:

Illness is often a result of a need not being met somewhere in our system. Take a few moments to look at your own needs today. What do you need emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually? Today, commit to do one thing that will meet one of those needs. To really make the commitment and increase your changes of following through, post your response here right now.

Here is to your health!


Nancy Nicholas, Life Coach/Intuitive

Crossroads Coaching



Sunday, November 25, 2007

Self-Care During the Holidays

Hello Again!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a restful weekend after! I thought I'd share a few tips about getting through the holidays with your self-care needs intact. I know that I often find it difficult to maintain my normal routine during this time of year. Extra pressures financially and emotionally can make this a challenging time, especially for those who are sensitive.

To help you stay centered and relaxed during this time of year, consider implementing a few of the tips below:

1. Continue to make time for yourself: Don't let the holiday rush lead to skipping on your time to recharge. Write your time on your calendar and stick to it. You'll need it to help you get through the next few weeks without burning out before the holidays. Aim to have a half hour everyday for yourself.

2. Get Outside: I know it is very cold out there (and I personally hate being cold!) but the fresh air is really important to keep our systems healthy. Schedule in daily time outside, even if it is only for 15 minutes. Bundle up and enjoy the crisp air and changing scenery! It's a great time of year to check out the night time sky.

3. Set Limits: This month's Simple Steps Column in Holistic Inspirations is going to be on ways to simplify Christmas and the holidays. One of the important aspects of this is to set limits on spending before you head to the store. There are so many interesting things out there, it is very easy to overspend. Deciding ahead of time how much you are going to spend and then sticking to it will help ease a lot of the tension often associated with the holidays.

4. Watch the cookies!: I absolutely LOVE cookies, but my body does not in anyway love all that sugar. Pay attention to your diet and be sure you continue to drink lots of water and eat a healthy diet that helps you feel good. Keeping yourself feeling healthy and relaxed will also boost your immunity so you can avoid all the germs floating around!

5. Slow Down: I'm a "get things done quickly" sort of person so this step is still a tough one for me, but when I do it I'm amazed at how well it works!. When you feel like your to do list is weighing you down and you'll never get everything done, consider trying something new...do nothing. I know this goes against the grain, but actually taking a break and literally doing nothing (including thinking about all the things you have to do) can go along way towards increasing your energy and your productivity. I didn't make this up...it is actually a proven fact! Give it a try.

Please feel free to share any suggestions you have for a holiday season of self-care! Feel free to post your goals on this topic too! If you'd like to receive monthly tips and tools like this, sign up for Crossroads Coaching News and Holistic Inspirations at our website (CLICK HERE).

Take care,


Saturday, November 17, 2007


Welcome to our blog!
Today I thought I'd share a little on the topic of frustration. As much as I wish I wasn't "an expert" on this topic (wouldn't it be nice to never be frustrated??), I guess I might as well make use of this somewhat unpleasant life tool.

So what is the purpose of frustration? Many times in my life I've asked myself (and God) this question and always get the same image flashing through my mind...an oyster. An oyster you ask? Odd, yes, but fitting when you think of it as a metaphoric symbol. Oysters must know something about frustration....at least if all those stories I've heard about how pearls are formed are true. Imagine how annoying it must feel to have a harsh little bit of sand poking you...think about what it would be like if it was under your tongue. Awful huh? Yet, that is what leads to those beautiful, very coveted pearls.

Now I do like pearls, especially when they are used for a metaphor representing all the good things I look for in my life, but isn't there another way for them to form?

I'd like to say "yes" (believe me I REALLY would!) but based on my life experience and all the experience of those I've worked with over the years, I'm thinking that the answer is no. Apparently, we all need that irritating piece of sand to get us moving towards creating the pearls in our life.

So what is the sand in your life at this time? I guess mine is restraints...the parts of my personality, my life circumstances, the reality of divine timing...all those things that keep me from feeling free to move forward as quickly and easily as I'd like to. Where is the pearl in that for me? I guess it stops me from running off quickly in one direction only to find out after much time and energy is expended that I'd really rather be running a different direction. I admit it...I'm a big idea person and when I get one of those "great" ideas I want to put it into action immediately!

Note to self, when you are feeling frustrated, remember the 72 hour rule...wait 72 hours before acting on new ideas.

I don't really like that rule...and I was very anxious to break it this very morning...but, the Universe didn't give me an option. Back to the 72 hour rule....sigh...Monday will be soon enough to see if this idea is really as viable as it seems to be right now.

Coaching Tip from me to you: Take a look at the "sand" in your own life and ask yourself why it is there? What pearl is it trying to bring forth in your life? We can't get rid of frustration or of the sand, but maybe we can learn to live with it a little better. At least I know I'm going to give it a try!

Enjoy the day!