Thursday, December 6, 2007

Illness and Guilt


I hope everyone is enjoying is pretty with the snow and the Christmas lights!

Today's post is about illness and guilt, prompted by my 11th day with the latest respiratory virus going around. Last night was the first time I was actually able to sleep the whole night through since this started. It makes me appreciate the joys of sleeping without sitting up!

One of the things I've noticed is that when I get sick, I instantly start to wonder what I did to manifest this. I'm a big fan of Louise Hay and I think her positive affirmations are right on. In her book, Heal Your Body, she gives the "mental causes for physical illnesses with the metaphysical ways to overcome them." I have to say that the causes she lists connected to the illnesses I've had seem to be pretty accurate. Click HERE to purchase this book from my Amazon store.

Which brings in the "guilt" part. Which makes me ask myself, "Isn't it bad enough to be sick? Is it fair to then get upset with myself for causing it?"

After asking for some Divine clarity on this point, here's what I came up with...

  • Be gentle with yourself. You are a human being and you are always doing the best you can under the circumstances...that's good enough.
  • Learn from the situation. What mental cause contributed to the weakening of your immune system? Can you heal the wound that led to that pattern?
  • Take the time to rest and to heal on all levels. Your physical self needs to heal, but so does your emotional/mental self which clearly was also suffering. Your physical needs are giving you a chance to slow down enough to address these other needs.
  • Forgive yourself. Anger at the self is never necessary. Forgiveness of yourself and others always brings healing.
  • Ask for support. Part of the lesson in each challenge we face is to remember that we aren't alone. We all have a spiritual support team waiting to help us. Ask your angels to bring healing and support while you work through this challenge. Experience the relief of knowing you don't have to do it all on your own!

So here is a little coaching challenge for you:

Illness is often a result of a need not being met somewhere in our system. Take a few moments to look at your own needs today. What do you need emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually? Today, commit to do one thing that will meet one of those needs. To really make the commitment and increase your changes of following through, post your response here right now.

Here is to your health!


Nancy Nicholas, Life Coach/Intuitive

Crossroads Coaching

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