Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Gratitude Journal: A Tool To Help You Live Well


by Paula Vetter, Wellness Coach

It is winter. The days are short. The nights are long. We tend to spend more time indoors and our pace slows after the holidays. It is a natural cycle that gives us meaningful clues for personal reflection and regeneration.

Among many ancient cultures, winter was a time of "looking within," a time of soul searching and connecting with our inner wisdom. The external darkness beckons us to find our inner light....the spark of the Divine within us all. It is a perfect time to get back to meditation and reflection upon our Divine Purpose.

A powerful tool I recommend for spiritual growth is the Gratitude Journal. Take 5 minutes at the end of each day to reflect on your experiences and write at least 5 things you are grateful for, specific to that day. It can be as simple as time for a relaxing cup of tea, a call from a good friend, a beautiful sunrise, or a parking space close to the grocery store on a snowy day!

This exercise does two important things: It makes you more mindful & appreciative of blessings and everyday miracles AND it literally magnetizes your energy field to attract more
good into your life. ( Remember the Law of Attraction? ) Start your Gratitude Journal tonight and you will be amazed at the life you create!

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