Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring Cleaning for Health

Live Well Column

By Paula Vetter

Yes, it's TRUE. Spring is just around the corner! As our thoughts turn to "Spring Cleaning" it is important that we remember to begin with ourselves. Just as we are eager to rid our homes of stagnant air and accumulated dust and debris, we can help to rid our bodies of toxins and "tune up" our metabolism. Then we will be prepared to greet warm weather with healthy vibrant energy. Tips:

1. Drink at least 8 8 oz glasses of plain pure water daily. (Reverse osmosis or filtered water)
2. Avoid carbonated beverages, artificial sweeteners, trans fats, MSG, and high fructose corn
syrup. All of these are toxic to your cells.
3. Never microwave food in plastic or styrofoam. These release toxins into your food.
(Microwaving changes the molecular structure of your food and destroys nutrients too!)
4. Avoid adding toxins to your environment. We inhale toxins and absorb them thru our skin
as well as ingesting them in our food and drink. Eliminate chemical room deodorizers, fabric
softener sheets, lawn chemicals, toxic household cleaners, and be sure to air out any
clothes that are dry cleaned before wearing them or even bring them indoors. Hang on
porch or in garage to air out and dissipate toxic cleaning solvents.
5. Consider a natural organic herbal cleanse to support your liver, kidneys and digestive
system to restore balance and achieve optimal wellness.
6. Use a rebounder (mini-trampoline) to encourage good lymph flow and detoxification.
7. Start a gentle stretching program (Yoga, Pilates, etc.) to boost circulation.
8. MOVE your body daily for 30 to 40 minutes, but begin slowly if you have been hibernating
this winter. Flowers do not bloom overnight.....be gentle but persistent and you too will be
radiant before spring becomes summer.

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